Thursday, October 2, 2014

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Leslie Huntley of Fantasy II film effects truibute

Recently I received word that Leslie Huntley, visual effects producer and co-founder of the award winning visual effects company Fantasy II has passed away. For over 4 decades, Leslie has been the chief visual effects producer working closely with Oscar winning visual effects creator Gene Warren. Their credits include such films as The Terminator, the Abyss, Mothman Prophecies, Arlington Road, CQ, Moonrise Kingdom, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Near Dark and Hellboy just to name a few. She received an emmy for her work on the TV mini-series the Winds of War.  Fantasy II continued working well into the digital era, creating traditional in camera effects and miniatures. Warren won an Oscar for his work on the James Cameron film Terminator 2 Judgement Day.

Leslie was a warm and friendly collaborator, always working hard to solve problems. She will be greatly missed by the entire film community.

Pete Klienow animates the terminator endoskeleton for T2

shooting the miniature bridge for T2

spacehunter: adventures in the Forbidden zone VFX by Fantasy II

miniature bridge from Mothman Prophecies

NTI miniature ship from teh ABYSS

Hunter Killer drone from Terminator (1984)

shooting the hunter killer drone from T2 (1991)

the Fantasy II water tank in Sun Valley

the terminator stop motion endosketon from T2